Directional Lights

Directional lights affect the entire view and come from light source far away (for example the sun).

You can enable directional lighting with


And set the quality with

glr_set_directional_quality(1); // value in [0, 1] range

Mesh Height

When you have multiple meshes you may want that lower objects don't cast shadows on higher ones

glr_mesh_set_height(mesh_id, height);

For example in a topdown game, a wall object with height = 800 will cast shadows on every object with height < 800 and don't receive shadows from them.

//create a mesh
mesh_id = glr_mesh_create(x,y, true);
//add a submesh (real vertices)
glr_mesh_submesh_add_box_from_sprite(mesh_id, sprite_index, 0, 0);
//finalize the mesh to make it renderable
glr_mesh_set_height(mesh_id, 800);
glr_mesh_set_depth(mesh_id, 500);